Your limit stops at the edge of your insecurities.
Oct 15, 2021 5:17 pm
Do you want to be limitless?!?
If so, you must be willing to kill off your insecurities.
Here is a short list of how I reflect on mine...
- What fears do I have?
- Who am I trying to impress at any given moment?
- Why at times am I being stubborn and argumentative?
I know the subject line of this email was your limit stops at the edge of your insecurities...but your insecurities stop at the edge of your self-awareness.
If you grow your self awareness, you WILL crush your own insecurities.
Focus on gaining more self-awareness = a life of less insecurities = extending your limits!!!
Today is Friday.
The "end" of another week.
And before you speed through another weekend.
I want you to check in with the questions above.
What are you truly afraid of? Why do you feel compelled to impress others, and who is it you feel most compelled to impress? Why do you get defensive at times?
If you truly think through these questions....
You will be left with the root of a lot of what limits you in your own life.
Or you can be like the majority of people who tend to blame their limits on the external people, places, and things that are around them.
Hint: being in the majority is never a great place to be.
You are too unique for that. :)
Have a wonderful Friday and weekend ahead!
p.s. Today I am grateful to know so many people who have helped me break through my own insecurities and jump over many of my limits. TOGETHER WE CAN GO SO MUCH FURTHER IN LIFE!