#99 – How to quiet the Ghost of Missed Opportunity?Regret is futile: it leads nowhere and only leaves you feeling sad. But what’s the alternative? This morning, I discovered it.I was putting away the spices my son and I had used for our tofu scramble...
#98 – Why do we stand being 'bullied'?At an offsite dinner with a company I used to work with, my boss bullied me.It wasn't the first time, and in a strange, twisted manner, it made me feel like I 'belonged.' It wasn’t until a few months later, when...
#97 – What interferes with your internal GPS?On Monday, a friend who cares about making sure I’m compensated for my work offered to pay me for certain tasks.He had everything worked out: the payment structure made sense, and the tasks were clear and...
#95 – Should you or should you not?My father lived by 'moral obligations,' and one could think he was a devoted son, nephew, friend... But beneath that façade of devotion, he was simply following the commands of an internalized taskmaster.'Obligation...
#95 – What do we feel guilty about?Does breaking your own rules trigger guilty feelings in you?Most likely yes, as reported by Psychology Today.But of course, and you probably know what I'm about to say, it's not your own moral rules what you feel gu...
#94 – Who wants you to feel guilty?Anthropologists argue that guilt serves a social purpose by encouraging individuals to follow a culture's implicit rules.But what are its consequences on an individual level?Like other systems humans have created to...
#93 – Martyrdom and salvation – who benefits?My codependent family of origin was a master of manipulation.The "entity" that was The Family (not any specific member, but the relationship itself) trained us to play out a vicious cycle:Person A feels ba...
#92 – Worrying is useless – but how useful is striving?The idea of striving has a strong reputation in the world of work and performance. "We strive for excellence." "Strive for progress, not for perfection," etcetera.But how useful is it, really, an...
#85 – Whose Ego deterred you from your True Self's purpose?Being an artist is more than a calling, or an identity. Could we say it's a "nature?"Since I was seven, I wanted to write. I felt like a poet.But at 13, my father's well-intentioned words mad...
#91 – How do you keep your peace of mind?"I don't mind anything at all*."Neal AllenCan I get there?I think I can, at least when it comes to my own worries—will I finish my to-do list, will my taxes skyrocket if I get too many payers, or should I rewr...