#65 – How do I keep my mind empty? (Part 2)

#65 – ChiRunning to empty your mind Yesterday, I discussed how Level 3 listening teaches us to be present with others and ourselves. Today, we’ll explore how ChiRunning can enhance our physical, emotional, and mental awareness while refining our runn...

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Sep 09, 2024
#64 – How do I keep my mind empty? (Part 1)

#64 – 3 practices that keep my mind empty (Part 1)I noticed that it was excess thinking, not a lack of English vocabulary, that made me stumble and fumble when delivering a workshop. I couldn't decide which one of the dozen ideas swirling in my head...

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Sep 08, 2024
#63 – What's so disquieting about an empty mind?

#63 – What's so disquieting about an empty mind?"And replace it with what?," the client asked after we'd worked through the "Who would you be without that thought?" process.That's a natural reflex: if I take something out, especially a thought, I nee...

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Sep 07, 2024
#61 – Who would I be without that thought?

#61 – Who would you be without that thought?Back in 2019, a coach asked me this question when I told her, "My boss doesn't trust me."I was so attached to that thought being true, that I couldn't imagine not holding it in my mind.She then led me throu...

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Sep 06, 2024
#59 – Pain is the messenger; how do I stop suffering?

#59 – Pain is the messenger; how do I stop suffering?In various spiritual practices, the experience of pain is considered a wake-up call.Pain shows up to deliver the message that we’re straying off the path of love and onto the path of fear.What if I...

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Sep 04, 2024
#58 – What are you seeing that isn't there?

#58 – What are you seeing that isn't there?Me? I saw mockery in someone's eyes. Boredom in another's. Disappointment and eye-rolls coming from 12 slouching backs and blank faces.It happened during one of the first gigs I did with the communication co...

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Sep 03, 2024
#57 – What makes you quit?

Please, unsubscribe if you're tired of hearing from me –– no hard feelings!#57 – What makes you quit?I've heard it many times: "I'm going to write a Substack for 100 days in a row," or "I'm going to run five days a week," or "I'm going to start cooki...

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Sep 02, 2024
#56 – What I learned receiving my first tip at 54

#56 – What I learned receiving my first tip at 54Today, a buyer tipped me $20.Not having worked in a tipping environment before, her gesture caught me by surprise. A few weeks before, another woman had tried to give me a tip, but I'd refused to accep...

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Sep 01, 2024
#55 – Want to have a bigger impact? Stop hiding

#55 – Want to have a bigger impact? Stop hidingA client realized yesterday she'd been hiding. Hiding had prevented her from having the impact she (and the HR people at her company) knew she could have.But she was wary of the responsibility that havin...

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Aug 31, 2024