What decision do you need to make to stave off your Ghosts?
Jan 29, 2025 5:21 am
#207 – What decision do you need to make to stave off your Ghosts?
You can keep hiding from the Ghosts in your head, or you can face them and see them shrink.
Yesterday at lunchtime, strolling around Lincoln Road, I heard what I thought was a toddler crying. As I approached the outdoor seating area of a restaurant, I saw that the source of the wailing was the oldest child of a family, a girl of about seven. Between sobs, she was yelling "go away, go away," her arms tight against her ribs, her hands to her mouth.
The culprit of this terrifying experience was a pigeon, casually hopping around eating crumbs.
That's exactly how we sometimes feel towards our Ghosts. When they go, "who do you think you are?" "They'll never pay you for your writing – who do you think you are?" "You won't be able to make a living out of writing – who do you think you are?" etcetera, we tend to go boo-hoo, our hands to our mouths and I don't wanna see.
At least I did.
Until I made the decision to stop being scared. Or to use the fear as fuel instead of hindrance.
I took my son to the ski slopes for the first time for his sixth birthday; he spent the two hours I'd booked with an instructor lying on the snow. He got up and, in less than 10 seconds, he was down again.
When the class ended, I asked him if he wanted to continue or go home. He said he wanted to stay, so I told him, "then you need to make the decision to stay up. Say to yourself, 'I'm not falling,' and feel it in here" (I touched his upper belly).
Today, thanks to my dear Barbara Huson and Sheryl Kosovski, I've made the decision to stay up on my metaphorical skis. No more hiding from the Ghosts.
I'm ready to look them in the eye and invite them to do something fun for them as I do my thing – write.
What decision will you make to reclaim your power?