#119 – How Does the Ego Sabotage Client Relationships?In June 2018, I had an engagement with a well-known financial institution in Lower Manhattan. My boss warned me, "These are the smartest people in the world." Many of the participants in my sessio...
#118 – Are you feeding the Ghost of Giving Our Time Away?Do you take on projects you know will lead you nowhere but you don't know how to (or feel you can't) say no?Do you accept invitations to attend events because you want to please someone even th...
#117 – When did you learn the most?"That you will learn most from the situationsyou did not choose."––The Facts of Life, by Padráig Ó TuamaDid you learn more when you landed that job you so much wanted, or when you got fired?When you married the love...
#116 – What is courage – really?I wanted to forgive, but I didn’t know how.So I searched. I listened to this talk by Tara Brach, then I wrote this post about "soft front, strong back."In the morning, I came face to face with forgiveness once again: I...
#115 – What is real courage?Zen Buddhist Roshi Joan Halifax describes it as follows:“All too often our so-called strength comes from fear, not love; instead of having a strong back, many of us have a defended front shielding a weak spine. In other wo...
#113 – If 'enduring' brings you down, what's the alternative?I used to think (or feel, or believe) that 'enduring' was a great concept. In my mind, it spoke of resiliency, stoicism, anti-fragility.Maybe because I was into endurance running, and the l...
#113 – And when you don't occupy your Personal Power?Personal Power is intrinsic to all human beings. But some of us relinquish it at times because powerlessness feels easier. Or safer. Or at least more familiar.You don't get into trouble when you pu...
#112 – How does complete Personal Power express itself?When you own yourself entirely, your "ghosts" have no influence over you.When your ghosts don't influence your thoughts or feelings, they don't alter your behavior in any circumstance, no matter...
#111 – How will the Ghost of Need to Prove trip you up?When we're kids, we often feel we're not heard – or not as much as we think we deserve. Grown-ups around us laugh off our opinions because they think we're cute, or too naive, or don't know what...
#110 – Do you notice your minute attack thoughts?Attack thoughts are harmful to the thinker. In fact, the target of our disdain or judgment feels nothing; they aren't changed just because we send them an attack thought.But we are. We become bitter, v...