#249 – How can embracing 'I don't care' improve your life?In our current culture, it's almost cliché that we all should care about everyone and everything.If you're an employee, you should care about your company. If you're an employer, you should ca...
#247 – What's your Ego afraid of?Your Ego fears one thing: rejection, which it equates to death. Mine does too, and so does your partner's, brother-in-law's, teacher Ms. Katherine's...We all have an Ego. We created it when we were little by aggregati...
#246 – Is 'how' bogging down your 'what?'This is where my procrastination stems from: thinking about how I'll do something makes the task so insurmountable in my head, that I don't even start.I discovered it this morning, while doing my "morning...
#245 – What conditions are you imposing on your happiness?A few months ago I had a video call with a friend who'd moved from the neighborhood. She'd started her business but still wasn't getting traction. Yet, as we greeted each other, she said, flas...
#244 – How are you blocking your inner freedom?When you restrict the experiences you allow yourself to have, you're reinforcing the locks in the metaphorical gateways to your freedom.Every weekend growing up, my family watched a rather mediocre...
#243 – Do you uphold Deep Democracy within yourself?As a principle, Deep Democracy asserts that all voices inform every process. We can't understand or influence a process (a conflict, relationship, trauma response, etc.) unless we hear the pers...
#242 – Where's the line between self-improvement and self-rejection?"(...) The self-improvement market in the U.S. was worth $13.4 billion in 2022." Source: Marketresearch.comHow many times have you heard someone call themselves a "self-improvem...
#241 – How will conflict help you grow?Most people find conflict uncomfortable. It brings up emotions that often devolve into red faces and raucous voices, clenched fists and slammed doors. Wanting to prevent it seems sensible.During the pandemic, a...
#240 – Yeah, but why do you fear saying what you want to say?It's not speaking the words we're afraid of – it's how our words will make the other person see us.Since age two, your Ego has recorded how people react and respond to you. To help you lear...
#239 – What makes "difficult conversations" difficult?As a coach, I've helped countless executives prepare for "difficult conversations" in a broad range of situations – personal and professional.Today, I realize something. It's not the conversation...