What’s fear of money, really?

Feb 02, 2025 5:26 am

#210 – What’s fear of money, really?

Fear of money is as nonsensical as fear of computer mouses (mice?), fear of umbrellas, or fear of spoons.

Yet, despite the instrumental nature of money, our Ego persuades us to assign it magical powers and attribute meaning to it – it has none. 

When I started coaching rock and jazz singers, back in Madrid, I chose some friends to practice my new craft with.

It was easy: because they weren't paying me, they raved about the lessons.

Once word of mouth grew my client base and I was charging, my rates were far lower than those of the more established teachers.

It was easy and comfortable: being the cheapest option, I believed, would lure many students (rock and jazz singers in Madrid tended not to be very affluent) to my practice.

There began my own race to the bottom: I always gave more than other teachers (more time, free sessions, leniency towards no-shows). I went to their concerts, helped them warm up, and gave them feedback afterwards.

(Some people take jobs well below their qualifications, tolerate low pay, or wait patiently until somebody remembers their last pay-raise was three years ago.)

It was easy, comfortable, and cowardly: charging according to market prices, the results my students got, and how full my calendar was, would've required that I step up to the metaphorical plate and deliver my best work – consistently. That I be selective with the students I chose to teach. That I set boundaries to what I gave.

Which meant, that I own my full personal power.

That was what really scared me.

What would charging what you really need force you to become – and are you ready to step up?


