Who's got the power?

Feb 05, 2025 6:01 am

#213 – Who's got the power?

The answer is simple: you've got the power.

But it's not easy. They – the Ghosts in your head trying to trap you in their smallness – may make arguments that sound convincing:

  • Your idea'll never work
  • You need to prove your worth
  • You have all the time to bring your dreams to fruition
  • [list any of the 7,000 reasons your Ghosts flog you with]

But their arguments are just lies, inventions.

How I know? Because they – the Ghosts – aren't real. You made them up. You created those reasons and the arguments and your own smallness. You thought it was safer to stay in your cozy cocoon, so you gave up your power.

Isn't it time you stop listening to the Ghosts and start listening to You? Because only your Self is real.

How to tell truth from fiction – now, that's the challenge.

How will you practice telling them apart – your own voice from the Ghosts'?


