You were curious.You were excited.You were fun.You were playful.You were creative.You were goofy.You were...You didn't fear mistakes.You didn't fear disapproval.You didn't fear life.You didn't...I want you to complete a simple task for me. Grab a pen...
My calling in life is to kick your a good way that is. :)I am here to help push you to your next level. To have you question what it is you are doing with your life, where you are going with each day, and WHY you are headed there. Then once...
Our bodies are machines that need proper fuel, yet you, myself, and millions of people have probably treated them more like dumpsters from time to time. Society is then left to wonder why our mental, physical, and spiritual health is all of out of wa...
Wake up and drink waterGo outsideTake 10 deep breaths Stretch for 5 minutesAsk yourself this question..."what would make today a great day?!?"Hold yourself to number 5. If you are not careful, days can easily get away from you. For too many people, t...
This email is the most important one I have written so far. Go research this word GLUTATHIONE.When you do research it, you will find that it is an extremely vital antioxidant for your immune system. Sadly, many people are deficient in it, and in the...
Nobody is coming to save you.No one is going to care about you as much as you care about you.Nothing you can do will ever change the above. The moment I accepted and owned the statements above, I started a better path for my life. I want to give you...
If you could only keep 5 personal belongings to your name, what would they be?As we get closer to Thanksgiving, I believe this is a question we all must ask ourselves.Unfortunately, society, and the world as you know it, it will pressure you to belie...
In all aspects of life, your personal growth is stimulated by discomfort. If you get too comfortable, you risk becoming a victim of that comfort.And what we are witnessing in the world right now, is a lot of people who have fallen victim to their own...
Life is only as good as your mindset.You could have nothing to your name, but have EVERYTHING in your mind.To improve your mindset this week, ask yourself these 3 questions.Am I putting the right foods in my body to help my mind/body THRIVE?Am I surr...
Happy Self-Care Sunday!!!What does your self-care look like?Do you think of it as something you do once a week? Once a month? Once a quarter?Or is it something you think about every day?I was recently asked on a podcast what my self-care routine look...