Less = More
Nov 18, 2020 7:01 pm
If you could only keep 5 personal belongings to your name, what would they be?
As we get closer to Thanksgiving, I believe this is a question we all must ask ourselves.
Unfortunately, society, and the world as you know it, it will pressure you to believe that the more you accrue, the more "successful" and happier you will become.
The truth is though, the happiness and success that you seek, it will come more from your mindset than any possession you ever own.
I never truly understood this concept until I read & listened to the book "Essentialism" ... yes it is worth both reading and listening to. :)
And in true essentialism fashion, I will keep this email shorter than usual so that you can ponder the 5 possessions you would keep to your name.
As for me,
I will tell you one of the possessions I would keep, in hopes for you to respond with one of yours.
I chose this because it is functional (keeps sun out of my eyes, protects my face in the Texas rays, etc), but more importantly, it is my WHY. It reminds me to keep getting better and better each and every day, while also helping others do the same along the way. It's simple, but powerful. And I am thankful for that.
Always remember that you don't need much in this world to still be thankful for ALL that you already have...even if all that you have is a breath, a heartbeat, and your mindset/belief. #attitudeofGRATITUDE
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
ps: today I am grateful for books like Essentialism that consistently remind me of what is most important in life. I will never forget some of the principles and lessons they teach me.