What NOT to do to improve your self-care
Nov 15, 2020 10:45 pm
Happy Self-Care Sunday!!!
What does your self-care look like?
Do you think of it as something you do once a week? Once a month? Once a quarter?
Or is it something you think about every day?
I was recently asked on a podcast what my self-care routine looks like.
I responded with what my self-care routine is NOT.
Because if you strip away the things that hurt your well being, your life immediately gets better.
The easiest way to start taking better care of yourself is to have the self-awareness to realize what you are doing to yourself that is NOT serving you.
Watching the news/media is not going to help your life. Replace the constant watching/scrolling with literally anything that FOCUSES ON YOU and spends energy on you, rather than giving your energy to external source. I don't even own a TV, so this literally means I never even have a chance to get caught up in the noise. I am always DOING ME and refuse to give my energy to toxic sources.
Eating out is both costly ($$$) and most times, way more unhealthy than if you were to cook for yourself. Cooking for yourself is also therapeutic, which is one of the reasons I literally cook every single day. So go turn on some music, grab your pots and pans, and be the chef of your house.
People that talk about other people...are literally wasting their own lives, AND YOURS! In every given moment you hang around others, I want you to start asking yourself are these the type of people I want to be around? As for me, I CHOOSE to be around people who are discussing ideas/projects/businesses that are helping our planet. I also CHOOSE to only hang around those who are after personal optimization through mental, physical, and spiritual health practices. If you step away from toxic people, you are stepping into SELF-CARE.
These are just a few examples. I didn't want to overwhelm you with all the things that can be done for self-care, so instead, I listed a few of the major things I DO NOT DO that help improve my life and overall well-being.
Am I missing anything?
I'd love to know what you focus on "not doing" to improve your own life.
Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!
ps: today I am grateful I learned the things above in my 20's. So many people spend their entire lives in toxic environments & complaining about their lives. I refuse to be like that, and I will do my part to help others learn to take better care of themselves. If we all take better care of ourselves, we then shine a brighter light everywhere we go.