Who were you before society told you who to be?
Nov 24, 2020 7:01 pm
You were curious.
You were excited.
You were fun.
You were playful.
You were creative.
You were goofy.
You were...
You didn't fear mistakes.
You didn't fear disapproval.
You didn't fear life.
You didn't...
I want you to complete a simple task for me. Grab a pen and paper, and write down a list of who you were, and what you didn't fear...years, decades, a lifetime ago.
Then I want you to go out into the world and take ACTION towards regaining that person you were, as well as letting go of the fears that you have acquired along the way.
You won't be alone either. I have been actively getting back to my roots, and it has become one of the best decisions I have made in a very long time.
For me, sports & creative outlets have always lit my inner fire. Today I seek to spend as much time doing both of those things. What this looks like is building my businesses & "work life" around health/wellness, as well as creative media & consulting.
But even more important than above, I have come to a place in my life where I know longer care about the words of the critiques, or fear the mistakes I know I will make. And I want to encourage and inspire you to get to this point as well.
So lets go get after it!!!
Happy Tuesday, it is time for you and I to turn it up.
ps: today I am grateful for my THRIVE HQ office. It has allowed me to spend time on all of the above. Life is such a wild ride, the more I just go with it, the more fun it gets.