Be your own superhero.

Nov 19, 2020 7:01 pm

Nobody is coming to save you.

No one is going to care about you as much as you care about you.

Nothing you can do will ever change the above.

The moment I accepted and owned the statements above, I started a better path for my life.

I want to give you an example of this ownership that literally happened to me yesterday. I swear I can't make this up, life is awesome!

Below is a picture of me reading yesterday morning.

Reading became a daily hobby of mine about 5 years ago when my health was drastically going downhill.


I needed to escape the corporate world so that I could focus my research on the path to curing some of the health problems I was experiencing. So I picked up every book I could on business, startups, marketing,, health & wellness....mindset, emotions, psychology...and more. Within a few months, I went from someone who never picked up a book, let alone read them, to reading multiple books a week, while also listening to multiple podcasts and books per day.

I became a man on a mission that nobody could see. It was literally life or death for me because I could no longer go on living a life the way I was. I had no choices left, but the ones I started to make.

And it has paid MASSIVE LIFE DIVIDENDS ever since.

I need you to read a paragraph I read in the book yesterday about Alpha-Lipoic Acid or ALA for short. You'll find out soon why this paragraph matters.


Cool, now that you know a bit about ALA, I can tell you why the above paragraph is extremely important to me.

For some reference though, this paragraph is from the book I am reading in the picture I showed you above, the book is the 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss


That paragraph is important to me because of the test results I received back in March. The results showed that I had a poor immune function as well as an issue with the antioxidant Glutathione (see below). So if you read the above paragraph thoroughly, you now know that ALA helps improve intracellular Glutathione.


Upon reading that paragraph I immediately jumped up from reading, ran downstairs, grabbed my laptop, and ordered ALA which is scheduled to be here this afternoon.


Who knows if it will have a positive impact or not, we shall see in the next 60-90 days. The point of this entire story is the fact that my continued habit of reading is literally helping me become my own superhero, and I want to inspire you to do the same thing for yourself.

If I never acquired this habit, I never would have bought the book, opened it, started to read it, read far enough to get to this paragraph, or have the attention to detail to pick up on the fact that I could potentially solve one of my health issues with the information...if I never started the habit in the first place.

The reality is, I may never have formed the habit if I never suffered from the pain that I was in. This has taught me that when we are at our lowest of lows, we still can make the decision to build better habits and be our own hero.

So no matter what part of your own journey you are on, no matter what path you have been heading down, please know that you have the power to change it at any moment. You have the ability to lift yourself up, dust yourself off, and completely recreate who you are.

I know you can do it because I did. And if I can, YOU CAN.

I hope you have a wonderful #ThriveThursday and you go out into the world as the superhero that you are!



ps: today I am grateful to say that even though I am a long way from solving all my issues, I have never been more hopeful. Books have been a saving grace to me, and so many people have helped me by just sending me useful information to read along the way.
