Are you surrounded by the right people?

You are who you are surrounded by.Today I fly out to my younger brother Chris's wedding. I won't lie, it is a somewhat surreal feeling for me. I can vividly remember growing up with him and all the fun, and sometimes not so fun, times we had. And I a...

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Nov 04, 2020
Keep your eyes on the REAL prize.

Today is election day. Which means there will soon be a lot of very happy and unhappy people...depending on who you talk to. Regardless of what happens, the real prize is you woke up and you are reading this message. There are people who did not wake...

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Nov 03, 2020

Kudos to us for making it 30 days. Thank YOU for all those who have followed along for these last 30 days. Your responses have inspired a whole new me. Now it is the NOVEMBER NEW ME. :)I set out to produce a daily email message for the entire month o...

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Nov 02, 2020
How to HACK YOUR LIFE with your money...

Thank YOU to those who have been responding to these. Your thoughts, ideas, and current projects/art that you are working on has been a huge inspiration to me. One of my biggest missions in life is to do my best to connect other like-minded individua...

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Nov 01, 2020
Spend your money, stop saving it!!!

One of the biggest fallacies our society will push on you, is the fact that you should spend 40+ hours of your week collecting a piece of paper (yes that is what money is, a piece of paper) to have it sit in digital/physical vaults, just so you feel...

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Oct 31, 2020
When is the last time you wrote a poem?!?

Why did you stop producing art after finishing "school?"This is something I asked myself recently. Was it the responsibility of paying bills that made art seem like a "waste of time?" It is something I still ponder. Art brings out our expression as h...

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Oct 30, 2020
Why are you so unFOCUSED?

I am terrible at staying focused. However, I am also one of the most focused people you probably know. How is this possible?!?Because I believe that the way that society views "focus" is completely wrong.And I no longer abide by the box society tries...

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Oct 29, 2020
Why are your friends YOUR friends?

This one will be short, my stomach is currently killing me. (If you have ever dealt with stomach disorders/autoimmune disease, I feel for you).Have you ever thought about why you hang around the people that you do?Do you hang around people that chall...

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Oct 28, 2020
Why aren't you taking care of yourself?!?

You take your car to regular maintenance.You go to the dentist to make sure you have no cavities.You may even go to your doctor every once and awhile for a checkup. Yet, why aren't you getting a massage once in awhile to help your muscles recover?Why...

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Oct 27, 2020
Quit lying to yourself!

You aren't living the exact life you wish you could LIVE.Each day isn't spent in the way you wish it could be spent.Every year you keep telling yourself you are going to change it, but you don't.Now is your chance to finally break the chain.The chain...

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Oct 26, 2020