I am annoyed, you should be too...

Nov 17, 2020 7:01 pm

In all aspects of life, your personal growth is stimulated by discomfort.

If you get too comfortable, you risk becoming a victim of that comfort.

And what we are witnessing in the world right now, is a lot of people who have fallen victim to their own comfort.

What do I mean by this?

It is real easy to sit on the couch in the comfort of your home, google things, and tweet/FB message/IG comment like you have all the answers to life.

The reality is though, YOU DON'T. I don't. WE DON'T.

In fact, the reality is, everything we know in this world is most likely 50% wrong lol. And the major problem with this is the fact that we don't know what 50% of the things we know is "right" versus "wrong."

"Work" is manmade.

"Technology" is man made."

Our lives as we know it, they all were made up by humans before us, and HUMANS ARE FLAWED!!!

Yet, how many of you have find yourselves in discussions where people act like there is an ultimate right or wrong?

It truly makes me giggle.

One reason is because I used to be one of those people.

Today though, I step into each day realizing I don't really know sh*t.

And my life has become less stressful, less chaotic, and ultimately more fun because I approach each day like there is so much to learn.

But I will not lie, it does annoy me how many others are so far off from this approach.

Which is why I am writing this message to you.

No matter what discussions you find yourselves in, with the variety of topics you may be conversing on, remember that there is a chance you are completely wrong. There is also a chance everyone else is completely wrong too.

So go easy on yourself and others!!!

Don't take it so seriously.

Just do your best to focus on improving yourself.

And most times, our self improvement comes with putting ourselves in uncomfortable situations.

My challenge to you....put yourself in the uncomfortable situation to completely agree with someone you actually completely disagree with deep down. They don't need to know this though.

Why am I having you do this?

Because we need more people who realize that personal growth is more important than stating your point and trying to be "right."

Don't worry, I am right along side you getting uncomfortable as well.

You will not be alone!!!

See how you feel after this little test, and let me know the results.

Something tells me you might actually feel better. :)

Have a kickass Tuesday!



ps: today I am grateful for the fact that we can order food directly to our homes, many of us have the capability to "work" from home/anywhere there is internet/cell service, and we have access to all the other luxuries that I think too many are taking for granted right now. These luxuries are not had by everyone, and we must realize that some of our opinions can come from a place of privilege.
