Sunday Scaries

Have you ever heard of the Sunday Scaries? If you don't know what that is, here is the urban dictionary definition...Sunday ScariesThe feeling you have after a long week of work followed by a Saturday full of binge drinking, when Sunday hits you...

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Oct 25, 2020
Choose your hard.

Simple, yet powerful post this morning. Soak this one in this weekend.And realize that YOU have the CHOICE to pick your path.You can either choose to make the hard choices and have an easier life, or make the easy choices now, and have the harder pat...

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Oct 24, 2020
Destroy conditioning and get back to your ESSENCE.

My friend Brian from Startup Island made an amazing statement Wednesday night when we were on a virtual panel together. He mentioned that when we are born, we have a unique essence to our entire being. Yet, as we get older, we slowly get conditioned...

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Oct 23, 2020
Lets help 1-MILLION people!

Today's email is late. I rarely do this, but I slept in past the time I had set. (I am not saying sleeping in is bad, I love sleep, but I love seeing the sun come up in my front yard every morning even more.) Yesterday was a solid 14 hour day that he...

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Oct 22, 2020
Entrepreneurship saved my life.

This is not a post that is trying to convince anyone to become an entrepreneur. Most people I see flaunting "entrepreneurship" I find repulsive. It is not luxurious as social media would make it seem.It is hard. It is grueling. It drives you crazy at...

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Oct 21, 2020
True perfection is...IMPERFECT.

You are busy.You are anxious.You are swamped with work.You are overwhelmed with responsibilities. You are empty because none of the above feels like you. You are me, and I am you.Look up from your iPhone, iPad, iMac (if you are not an apple person, y...

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Oct 20, 2020
Will you pass the AIRPORT quiz?

Here's a quiz...Your flight home gets delayed, how do you respond to it?!?" this ruins everything I had scheduled upon my return.""Hell yeah who doesn't want to spend more time on vacation, I dread going home.""Eh, it changes my plans, bu...

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Oct 19, 2020
Simple Sunday

K.I.S.S. keep it super simple. ^^^this is one quote I live by in all areas of my life.My goal is always to be super honest here.Right now, I’m on a bench in my hotel room in Vegas. I’m frustrated because my hotspot is not working, so I can’t use my l...

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Oct 18, 2020
What happens in Vegas!?!?

Who were you before the world told you who you should become?!?If there’s ever an email to respond and write back to me to, it is this one. I’d love to hear your response to the question above. Nobody else has to know who you were. And to make y...

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Oct 17, 2020
I need to ask a favor of you...

It's FRIDAY, and I am headed out on a flight to Vegas later for a friend's 31st should I bet on black or red?!? I need some help choosing!Anyway, the real favor I have to ask is...PLEASE STOP SAYING YOU "CANT" do things.It is a lie.And...

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Oct 16, 2020