make it count.

One life.It is all you have. Okay I am about to get vulnerable. It has taken me decades to start opening up like this. I hope it inspires you to do the same with yourself.If you have been following my path for awhile now, you know my 30th birthday is...

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Dec 06, 2020
Quicksand is REAL.

Today will be shorter and sweeter than usual. It is Saturday and I feel guilty taking time from you. I'd rather you get outside today, go fill your cup, have some fun, and bring that energy to other people around you!!!Yesterday I was blessed to reco...

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Dec 05, 2020
Friday Reflections

My friend Sarah (founder of WIT) instills the methodology of high, low, dump into every class we teach, as well as this reflection at the end of the week in our slack channel. High: what is your high from the day/week/month? Low: what is your low?Dum...

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Dec 04, 2020
Society has lied to you.

From age 5 and on, why the hell are you put into desks, told to sit, and then you must listen to whoever is put in front of you for the rest of your life.K-12.Then 4-6 years of college.Maybe even more years if you go get a Ph.D. Notice what happens/h...

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Dec 03, 2020
Carve your rock...

Lets do a science experiment.Imagine I give you a glass a water. Then I give you a jagged rock to place in that water. What happens to the rock over time?Nothing.The stagnant water, for the most part, does absolutely nothing to the rock. Now lets tak...

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Dec 02, 2020
Respond, DON'T REACT!!!

Are you are controlled by your calendar? Controlled by a certain person in your life? Controlled by the fear of "what-ifs?" Controlled by the food that you eat? Controlled by your "job?" ... Controlled by life, rather than controlling your life?A lot...

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Dec 01, 2020
Out with the old, in with the new.

Today is the last day of November, which means tomorrow is the start of the last month of 2020. Many people, maybe even you, are looking forward to 2021. Sadly, the reality will be the same old shit unless you take action and decide to change. Then i...

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Nov 30, 2020
A goal in your life...

should be to ...I was podcasting with my wife last night and I came to a conclusion. We were chatting about what makes us not only "feel alive," but also is worth it enough for us to consistently show up to in life. For you, you probably have areas o...

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Nov 29, 2020
Take responsibility

for your health. In 30 minutes, my wife and I will be heading over to AnyLabTestNow. We decided yesterday (Black Friday) that our "shopping" focus was going to be on our own health and recovery. So we each booked ourselves 3 blood tests.Spectracell M...

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Nov 28, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving!

Tomorrow I will not be writing because I want to be present for myself and my family. I encourage you to do the same. First, I want to thank you for your continued support. It means the world to me and I want you to know that. Second, I want to wish...

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Nov 25, 2020