I have been slacking, but so have you.
Jul 08, 2021 6:09 pm
I have not been living up to my full potential in all areas of my life.
Why do I state the above?
Because I hope to encourage YOU to really reflect on your own life and the areas you can improve.
Here is where I am hurting my own potential...
- I lack the patience to bring the products I want to create to market.
- I lack the patience to produce masses of evergreen content that can help the world for years to come.
- I lack the patience to truly master the monotonous tasks I know will take me to the next level.
- I lack the patience to build a 100 year company... (one that lives on beyond my lifetime)
Lets take all the above with a grain of salt though.
Here is where my potential has been THRIVING...
- I am putting in the work to blossom into a world class athlete. I have been in photoshoots and video advertisements for major brands...the next step is more sponsorships and winning competitions.
- My business relationships. I have worked my ass off for 5 years now to put myself in a place where I am working with people who are/will change the world in massive ways...all through projects that I love helping with.
- My personal relationship with myself. I am finally ME. Tatted. Outspoken. Extremely passionate. Caring. Unapologetically myself. A lover of humanity. I want what is best for me and for everyone around me at all times. And I am finally not holding myself back from living in that way.
- The most important one to me...I have cultivated an amazing partnership with my wife Erin. We both are each our own individuals, very different in so many ways, yet that is what makes us so great together. We truly practice what we preach by being accepting of each other, yet always challenging each other to do better, be better, and live this life to our absolute fullest potential.
Now it is your turn.
This exercise wasn't about you reading about me. If you did, thank you. I care more about you though!!!
Where are you not meeting your potential?
The minute you write it down, and put pen to paper, is the minute you can start building habits to combat against your limiting actions.
Lets reach our potential together!!!
p.s. today I am grateful for the awesome responses I got last night to some of the content pieces I put together. I am forever grateful for anyone and everyone who has taken the time and invested their energy into consuming my content. AKA thank YOU if you are reading this. You make my life come to life every day!