Can I be honest?
Jul 09, 2021 5:48 pm
You are doing things for the wrong reason.
Don't take it personally though!
Almost everyone around you is doing the same thing.
So was I for the majority of my life.
I have broken out of that habit though.
Want proof?
Here is a sliver.
This email is number 207.
"TWO HUNDRED SEVEN" emails written.
When I say it out loud I honestly can't believe I even wrote #1.
On email number one I had already reached out to people like yourself to start
with a list.
I was extremely grateful to write to 107 people on my very first email October 4th, 2020.
Do you want to guess what I am at now?
The number has been greater than that at times, and then it drops off.
Of course the ego in me, and the insecurities, they creep up and start questioning WHYYYYY do people signup and then leave?!?
I have built the internal mental habits though to allow those feelings to creep...yet wither away within moments.
Because at the end of the day, while I want to be as valuable to you as possible with each email...
Expressing myself literally keeps me alive.
If I don't do it, I get depressed. At certain points of my life I have even questioned my own life. What's the point of it all?
It's fairly common in people who want the most out of life. Hyper positive people like myself struggle with the darkest of times.... and on the outside you would never know it.
I want the world to THRIVE.
I want YOU to THRIVE.
I want people to come together and help one another.
And when I see how far we are from that, I get really depressed. I get frustrated that I can't do more do.
What I have learned the hard way though...more is not always the answer.
With this writing every morning, I build my own army that is fighting against that depression.
I cannot help everyone, heck I can barely help myself sometimes.
What I can do though, is show up every morning, and every day, and do my absolute best to leave a positive mark on the world.
Whether it is writing to 1 person, 107 people, or the 111 that subscribe at this exact moment... (only 40 percent typically open so thats roughly 44 people) whoever you are, THANK YOU.
You bring me life.
You bring me purpose.
And most importantly, you remind me of WHY I do this.
I do this for the right reasons these days.
Whether this turns into a list of a million one day, or I get to grow amazing relationships with the 44 current people... or less if more drop off... I will love the process either way.
I won't stop this. No one can take this from me.
And if you have read any of my emails, you know what is coming!!!!
And how can we get you to do everything in your life for the right reasons? How can we help you take each step with intentionality?
It starts with reflection of what you are currently doing, and then begins with a step in the opposite direction of where you notice internal conflict.
Need help?
I started with a list of what I do in my daily life for others, and then another list of what I do in my life for myself.
The problem I quickly noticed, I was sabotaging the list for myself by adding wayyyyy to many things to the list of "doing things for others."
While I thought doing things for others would bring me more, it actually left me more empty. It is super counterintuitive.
The less you allow yourself to fall into the trap of doing things for external reasons, ir for other people, the more clarity you will have around doing what is right FOR YOU.
And when you live your life in alignment of what is FOR YOU... you will soon begin to notice you are making a much greater positive impact on yourself and those around you. :)
I'd love for you to ponder this all weekend, and come into next week with a new pep in your step!
Happy Friday!
p.s. I am grateful for the dark times, without them I wouldn't appreciate the light so much.