Your future is determined by....
Jul 06, 2021 5:09 pm
who you surround yourself with!!!
I am beyond lucky I am surrounded by the people in the pictures above.
Today's message is simple, yet powerful.
If you want to go far in this life, it is CRITICAL that you surround yourself with people who...
- Want to go far themselves.
- Want to also help/see you go far.
- Believe in the power of community and giving back.
It is really that simple!!!
Where did I go wrong in my past?
I spent time around people who didn't have dreams, who couldn't tell me what they were working on or why they were working on it, and who never asked if (a) I could help them on their goals and (b) if they could help me on mine.
Flash forward to today, and my life is a complete 180...and that is because I chose to hang around others who DREAM BIG, WORK HARD, and SUPPORT EACH OTHER on our endeavors.
This week, I challenge you to take inventory on those around you. Are they giving you life? Or are they taking life away from you?
If it is the latter, you MUST make a change to your environment!
Crush your Tuesday!
p.s. today I am grateful for everyone who believes in community as much as I do. You make my life come to life, and I am forever grateful for that.