You are changing the world.

Whether you like it or not, every day that you wake up and go out into the world, you are changing it.Either for better, or for worse, the world is changing by every step that you take, and every decision that you make. I am addicted to problem solvi...

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May 17, 2021
STOP to start.

I am sure you have heard someone tell you "just start," as if life is that simple. I used to be one of those people. "Just take massive action" I would say. START NOW.Yet, what I am now realizing, "starting" has more to do with STOPPING. What do I me...

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May 16, 2021
Be the leader YOU needed as a kid.

I just got off a virtual talk where I got the opportunity to connect and chat with high school soccer players from my alma mater. I am feeling invigorated!The premise of the discussion was leadership, and how the student athletes can set themselves u...

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May 14, 2021
Celebrate your wins!

After my last email I had several responses that asked what my "win" was that caused me to have a drink. I honestly loved that this was the question I was receiving because it made me personally reflect back and appreciate it even more. So rather tha...

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May 13, 2021
It's not to be okay.

But it is not okay to stay silent about it. Today's email will seem like word vomit. I am sifting through some things in my life right now and I am hoping that if you watch me do it in a somewhat "live " fashion, maybe it'll encourage you to sift in...

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May 11, 2021
What is your passion?!?1

Podcasting is one of my passions...but what are yours?!?!I started the ThriveOnLife podcast to have discussions with other amazing hopes that the discussions would inspire and motivate others to make their own lives, and the lives around...

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May 07, 2021
Impress your future self!

It is THRIVE THURSDAY and I want you to take action!Ask yourself this one simple question..."What would [insert your name] (CJ's) future self be proud of?"Write down some bullet points that your future self would be proud of.Map out a few things you...

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May 06, 2021
Live your life in COLOR!

Stop being so fucking boring.You could die at any given moment!Literally, any minute now could be your last. So why are you choosing a grayscale life, rather than one of color?If it feels like I am coming in hot today, that is because I am lol. Someb...

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May 05, 2021
Sacrifice or suffer...

it is your choice.Here is a quick story for you...There was an antelope in Africa.The antelope was bitten by a Lion, but it got away.The antelope kept running because if it slowed down, it would stand out, and make easy pray for the lion. It did not...

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May 03, 2021
Validation will corrupt you.

Did you get your degree for you? Or to impress others?Did you pursue the career you are in for you? Or to impress others?Did you work so hard to lock up that rigorous job for you? The one where you say you are so "busy" all the time... for you? Or fo...

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May 02, 2021