What does FREEDOM mean to you?
Jul 02, 2021 6:10 pm
Going into this weekend I have one question for you...
when you think of FREEDOM for yourself, what comes to mind?!?
Is it financial?
Is it time-based?
Is it a career that you love?
Is it spending time with the ones you love?
Is it traveling the world and going wherever you want, whenever you want?
The first step to achieving anything...is knowing what you are stepping towards in the first place.
So while you are partying this weekend, or while you are relaxing, I want this question floating around in your mind.
Then I want you to write down your response.
And after you write it down...
I want you to TAKE ACTION and consistently work towards the FREEDOM that you have defined.
Because once you become FREE, you can then use your energy to help others do the exact same thing.
And that is what this world desperately needs more of!
All of us helping each other to earn a better sense of self, and a sense of freedom to live the life we want...aka #thriveonlife
I hope you have an amazing July 4th and holiday weekend!
I am going to take the next 2 days off and refresh my mind, body, and spirit.
p.s. today I am grateful I get to start my day with a quick workout, then go right into a podcast, followed by a lunch & learn... LETS GO FRIDAY SQUAD!!!