3 lessons from 3 years of marriage.

Jun 30, 2021 6:14 pm

I will keep this email short and sweet because today is a very special day for me. June 30th is Erin and I's wedding anniversary, and somehow it has already been 3 years. There is a lot of truth to the saying that time flies when you are having fun!

Let me start by saying I am neither an expert at relationships, (I have fucked up multiple ones prior to Erin), nor an expert at marriage. I fail almost every week to meet the standards that I do my best to hold myself to.

I am imperfect.

Which leads me to lesson number 1.

Marry a partner who understands your imperfections. Who has empathy with your missteps. Someone who knows they are perfectly imperfect just as much as you are.

While this person accepts and understands your imperfections...it does not mean that they won't challenge you to become better.

lesson number 2.

Marry a partner who is going to be blunt with you. Who will tell you how it is AT ALL TIMES. Who won't let you get away with being someone you are not. Someone who can see the greatness within you and will hold you to that standard. A great man is only as great as the woman he seeks friendship, love, partnership from, and vice versa. If the person is right for you, not only will they hold you accountable, you will want to be the best version of yourself each and every day for them. This is where the magic is. Their ability to be blunt with you will turn into your own ability to look in the mirror and be blunt with yourself.

lesson number 3.

This one is the most important of them all. Marry someone who makes even the most mundane things...FUN.

I kid you not, Erin and I typically go grocery shopping on Friday nights, and it is more fun to me than a majority of the other things that I do throughout my week. We play good music in the car, we goof off while we shop, we always end up picking random new things to try, and we always leave feeling better than when we first got there.

Something so simple, pure, and has no luxury or external thrill attached to it.

Every great relationship has their own version of the "grocery store."

The thrill of your relationship MUST BE your relationship itself!!!!




There is so much more I have learned over the last 3 years. One day I want to write a book about it all #thriveonlove.

For now though, I am going to keep living, keep showing up in my relationship everyday with the intent to be better, and continuously focusing on how I can be a more supportive husband, and human in general.

I challenge you to look in the mirror and find ways that you too can show up better for the people that you love!

I hope you have an amazing Wednesday! I will be floating on cloud 9 today.



p.s. today I am grateful for the love of my life. "Erin, I cannot promise you the world, but I can promise you I will damn sure try to give it to you and our family."
