Change your priorities, change your life.

Aug 17, 2021 5:58 pm

My life has taken a 180 turn for the better, and I believe this email can help you do the same.

I used to say "I'll sleep when I die."

What I failed to realize was this was just a way of saying "I am currently killing myself."

Not to start off this thread in a morbid way.

But I would glamorous how hard I could work, how fast I could go at life, how much I could drink alcohol, how little I could sleep... and then still be a high functioning person.

Damn how times have changed.

These days, sleep is literally my number one priority.

More than nutrition, more than my workouts, more than my work... more than anything.


My theory, my liver was really fucked up from the lack of sleep, heavy consumption of alcohol/processed foods, and constant cortisol spikes from being on the run and stressed all the time.

This caused me to get a Celiac diagnosis in my early 20's because my body could not detoxify itself.

For years after this diagnosis, I was still be going from doctor to doctor to find out how I could improve all the terrible symptoms I was having. All they would do was throw random probiotics at me, tell me to eat low-FODMAP, and NEVER ONCE helped me think about root cause. Heck, my symptoms got so bad that I had to be prescribed Xanex for plane rides because airports and planes would stress me out and cause stomach issues.

I looked at myself like me, a Xanex user?!?

That was the breaking point.

I was going to escape.

No more suffering.

I looked up all the blood tests I could take on my own.

I did my own research.

I invested in myself as if I was the stock market.

Put money in today, and the net worth will grow in the long run.

And it did!

But here is the thing...

I was still overlooking the #1 thing anyone can do for their health, GET MORE SLEEP AND RECOVERY.

Beyond that, learn what the root of a great night of sleep is.

For me, I cannot eat within 3-4 hours of sleeping. Why? Eating raises my heart rate, and then that elevated heart rate will raise my body temperature. If I go to sleep with an elevated body temperature, I don't sleep well at all.

AKA my entire life I was going to bed like this because I would eat snacks all the way up until an hour before bed. Then I would smoke weed to get to sleep...and I would justify this because I would tell myself "I just have issues getting to sleep, my mind is always racing, weed helps."

Bullshit CJ.

You lacked discipline and made excuses.

You want to be truly healthy?

Try this...

*** No alcohol and have minimal processed foods***

  1. Do NOT have any electronics in your room (charge your phone outside of your room, away from your bed!!!
  2. Don't eat within 3-4 hours of bed, don't drink any liquids within 2 hours of bed.
  3. Only use your bedroom for sleeping (aka don't work in there). Psychologically this will put your body in a relaxed state every night because you condition yourself to know this is your safe place for resting.
  4. Cool your bedroom down prior to going to sleep.
  5. Get cooling sheets and pillow cases to keep your body temperature regulated throughout the night.
  6. Go to bed around 930-1030 and wake up when the sun comes up 630-730.
  7. Do this for a month straight!

I guarantee you will feel like a completely new human being!!!

For me, I had to go a bit further and track my sleep with a WHOOP band and Oura Ring, as well as invest in a Chilipad to keep my side of the bed below 60 degrees each night.

Ultimately, changing this one priority has had a profound impact on my health, and my overall quality of life.

And I want the same for you!




p.s. today I am grateful for the ability to have the freedom to do my own research and solve problems without "doctors." We are so fortunate to have the internet and ability to have information at our fingertips, as well as the ability to have whichever book we want to read at our doorstep, or in our headphones within hours time.
