Get back on the horse!
Aug 23, 2021 4:41 pm
^^^ what my life feels like right now.
I know I am headed in a direction I want to be going, yet I can't quite see what is ahead.
Do you feel this way at all?
Like you have this thing that is calling you, but you cannot see exactly where it is calling from? So the direction you are taking is more of a guess than a certainty?
Having talked to, and coached, people ranging from ages teenagers all the way up to in 60's + ...
one of the the things I have realized most of us all have in common...
we all feel like we are cruising through life backwards at times.
Sure we are all headed in a direction, that is certain.
Yet, where we will end up, that question haunts a lot of us.
Maybe it is haunting you too.
Today I want to be your reminder that even if you are on the horse backwards... you are still on the horse!
Meaning, life IS NOT about the destination, and more about using your time wisely and making sure you have a journey to take in the first place.
Being stagnant should not be an option for you.
What does jumping on the horse look like?
It could be as simple as reading 10 pages of a book today, or as drastic as quitting your job to start a completely new path... the journey is for you to decide.
What I also want to encourage you to do though, like in the gif I showed above, there is nothing stopping you from just turning around and taking the reigns in your life. So don't act like you are chained to a destination without having the ability to change it. ;)
Go crush your Monday!
p.s. today I am grateful I have been able to see so many friends and family during this trip. Life is tough as you get older because you get to see people less and less, yet it doesn't mean those moments are any less special when they do happen. I am so appreciative of the memories I have been able to create with others.