30 Day Challenge

Aug 16, 2021 5:01 pm

Yesterday I started a challenge for myself.


To keep life FUN of course. :)

There is that ^^

and also the fact that I looked in the mirror the other day and ask myself the question "CJ are you being as valuable to this world as you could be?"

Simple answer, no.

Then I thought, what is the lowest hanging fruit for me to bring even more value to those around me?


Utilize Instagram.

I have been on Instagram for half a decade now and using that tool has become "easy" for me.

So I decided why not just post valuable info and education there for the next 30 days and JUST START DOINGGGG, rather than contemplating.

Yesterday I started the challenge, and today I will keep it going.

If you would like to see what I wrote about yesterday, CHECK IT OUT HERE.

^^^ I chat about the different technologies and apps I use for fitness, as well as a few podcasts I listen to that could be potentially helpful to you as well.

Lastly, ask yourself the question of "how can I be more valuable?"

Make up your own challenge.

Start taking ACTION!!!

And have a wonderful Monday and week ahead.



p.s. today I am grateful for the blood work I am about to go take. I am gathering more data on my body, and learning what I can do to become a healthier and happier me. :)
