I get quite a few people that reach out to me about wanting more for their lives. Yet, when I rebuttal that it will require more FROM them...9/10 time they hit me with a "but, can't, wont.." type of statement. At this point it makes me crack up. Sorr...
If you don't know what FOMO stands for...Fear Of Missing Out.If you are human, which I am assuming you are, you have definitely felt this at some point during your lifetime.And if you are like me, you have let that feeling control you too many times...
You don't get to fly until you learn to love the dirt."WTF do you mean by this CJ?"You know how many times the Wright Brothers ate absolute shit when trying to fly?And no I don't mean literally eating shit.Gross.I mean they failed over and over and o...
Why should you read?Why should you exercise?Why should you write?Why should you take courses?Why should you do anything that improves YOU?Because when the opportunity presents itself...The opportunity you have been working hard for...You don't want t...
BE THAT PERSON. Self-pity, it is a hell of a drug that I feel too many people may be sipping on. In a weird, deceptive way, it can feel good to feel bad.Because if you have things to complain about, things that "hold you back," and people around you...
One of the things that I am most passionate about is EDUCATION. So when I get asked to speak, coach, or teach something that I have learned, with an end goal of helping others live a better life, I typically say yes. And a few weekends ago that is ex...
You are doing too much. If I had a nickel for every time that someone has said that to me over the years, I'd have a bunch of nickels that still couldn't buy me much lmao. Okay, but seriously you are doing too much stuff that isn't helping you be the...
My new laptop finally came in.It was delayed, like many other things in the world right now. The logistical delay is not what annoyed me though.I annoy me.The fact that I have waited this long to make an upgrade is non-excusable!It goes back to somet...
are ahead of you, not behind you.I want to leave you with something really simple today.It is question I thought about on my 10-mile Sunday run.Why do many of us live in the past? Especially when it comes to our accomplishments?It is partly the syste...
Today I woke up with a high level of anxiety. What's weird to me now is I realize this feeling used to be every day of my life.And because I have worked on myself a lot over the years, it is now a rare occurrence. So what did I do about it today?15 m...