do LESS, but BETTER.

Jun 13, 2022 1:17 pm

You are doing too much.

If I had a nickel for every time that someone has said that to me over the years, I'd have a bunch of nickels that still couldn't buy me much lmao.

Okay, but seriously you are doing too much stuff that isn't helping you be the GREATEST version of yourself.

The thing is, we are all "doing too much" in this hyper fast world we now live in.

What I have found that separates people though, is what is the "too much" that they are doing.

Let's keep the example simple.

This morning, what was your routine?

Did you scroll on your phone "too much" ...

or did you meditate "too much."

See where I am going with this?

Person A could have spent time doing 30 minutes of scrolling.

Person B could have spent 30 minutes doing breath-work, meditating, reading, and writing.

What would be considered a better use of time?

Then you must maximize the "better" versions of time throughout your entire day. Then do it for consistently for all the days you have moving forward.

"Yeah, but that is easier said than done CJ."

I agree.

Which is why I am going to so DO LESS, but better.

Instead of reprogramming your entire life.

Find a few areas of time where you can spend less time doing the things holding you back.

And instead of filling that time "doing" countless other things that society will pressure you into, think about what "better" means to you.

Fill the space with a "better" you.

Only you can define what the "better" looks like.

Because deep down, only you know what is holding you back.

Spend today thinking about this, and then tomorrow take a small step towards the "better" version of yourself.



p.s. today I am grateful for the time I got to spend with a few of my friends this past weekend. It felt good to work, exercise, and laugh together.
