"You have to put in the time, but the judgment is more important. The direction you're heading in matters more than how fast you move, especially with leverage. Picking the direction you're heading in for every decision is far, far more important tha...
Be right side up in an upside down world.Be the light you wish to see.Smile for no reason.Live to work, don't work to live.Help others just because.Listen to your heart.Trust your gut. Be grateful for every breath. Cherish moments, not materials. Lov...
"Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all." -Helen KellerI just got back to the ATX from a short trip to Colorado. Why did I go to Colorado? 3 reasons...Spend some time with my good friends Eric and Sarah who had just moved to Colorado wi...
Everyday society will make you feel like you aren't enough. That you need to change who you are. Fortunately, I have some AMAZING friends who are working with me to change how society operates, and we encourage YOU and the rest of our community to he...
I am.How many times over the course of your life have you told other people ... "I will do XYZ.." But then never do it?If you are like me, you have done this too many times to even count. So here is a simple shift you can make that will change your e...
"Miss, how do you expect me to care about the Pythagorean theorem... when I almost got raped on my way to school?" If you listen to the latest THRIVE ON LIFE Podcast (EPISODE 157) that released this morning, you'll know about the quote I reference ab...
And the number 1 thing people need to be measuring, IS THEIR HEALTH, ESPECIALLY THEIR SLEEP. I care about my health.But I also care very much about YOUR health too. Because what is the point of being healthy if your friends and family aren't healthy...
While I was running yesterday I asked myself the question "what do I still have yet to learn?"And when I dove down that rabbit hole, I found that a lot of what I have yet to learn, it revolves around UNLEARNING the bad habits that I have accrued over...
When I am "stressed," it tends to boil down to the fact that I have too much to do, in a too little amount of time that I have allocated myself. Which then forces me to prioritize, say NO to things, and let some things fall through the cracks.As a co...
is that success is linear. Pass the test, move on to the next grade, graduate, get the certificate.You are a "success."Get the job, do the tasks, get the raise, manage the team, retire with your retirement money. You are a "success."Marry someone, b...