Sometimes you have to buy your dreams.
Jun 09, 2022 2:07 pm
My new laptop finally came in.
It was delayed, like many other things in the world right now.
The logistical delay is not what annoyed me though.
I annoy me.
The fact that I have waited this long to make an upgrade is non-excusable!
It goes back to something I wrote recently...
Effective > efficient
My old laptop was efficient "enough" to get the job done.
Yet, it wasn't effective at some of the major aspects that I knew would add massive value to my life.
Spending the money to upgrade, it essentially brought me closer to building some of my dreams OVERNIGHT.
In one day I have become much more EFFECTIVE at what I want to continue building.
I know I am not the only person with this issue.
We hang onto things for too long.
Whether it is clothes, relationships, gadgets and toys... it is hard for us to let things go.
For many of us, it is even harder to justify spending our hard earned money on something new, when we are attached to our current way of being. Or maybe you are the opposite and find it easy to spend. That comes with another set of problems. :)
Moral of this story is...
Don't let a couple dollar bills be the reason your dreams are being met.
This instance has me reflecting on where else in my life can I buy my way closer to the visions I wish to bring to reality.
How about you?
What visions do you have that could be brought to life overnight if you stop holding yourself back?
p.s. today I am grateful for the Texas heat. In my 6 years in Texas, I think this week is the hottest one I have endured. I find myself not complaining about it though, almost the opposite really. It is speeding up my process of getting better... just like my purchase of the laptop sped up my process, the beating sun is forcing my growth.