You will work until you die. Today's concept is simple, yet not easy. I want you to make more money.Why? Because I want you to have the ability to make a larger positive impact on the circle of people around you. But I don't want you to work harder f...
This past weekend, I cashed out my deposits.Thank you Noah for this "deposit" idea today. Before I talk about it...Here is a photo of Erin and I after I competed at the HYROX World Championships on Saturday. I am beyond grateful I got to run the floo...
NEW PODCAST EPISODE featuring Joel Runyon, a man who encourages you to push your limits through his brand IMPOSSIBLE. Listen on Apple Podcasts HereListen on Spotify Here...Have you ever achieved the "impossible?"Meaning, have you ever thought somethi...
^^^ all of us at some point in our life when we are looking for someone to help us...when the reality is, we must help ourselves. ...Me in late 2016: I am going to quit my full time job and build my own brand/business that focuses on helping make a p...
What are you afraid of? Have you ever listed out the things that scare you? Probably not.So that is what I am going to ask you to do now. List out some of the things you fear. Could be heights.Could be approaching the opposite sex and asking them on...
August 2021 is the last time I had a drink of alcohol.Since then, I haven't even taken a sip.No taste testing.No tiny swigs.Nothing.Over the course of the past 9 months, I have completed multiple bachelor parties, attended several open bar weddings,...
The ambitious man or woman thinks they need to set out to conquer the world every morning they wake. Then one day, they begin to realize the world is in the palm of their hands.You too.The world is in the palm of YOUR hands.Use this weekend to take a...
I view myself as a guinea pig. No not a literal guinea pig LOL.There was this class guinea pig in 6th grade named Bo Jangles.Hope you are doing well in guinea pig heaven bro. <3Okay back to the point of this email. Below is an image of my most rec...
Are you running towards conflict? Or away from it?.The right thing in life, love, or typically the hard thing. How many of us are truly choosing the right thing in all scenarios? Admitting to ourselves what we really want out of li...
May is mental health awareness month. If you are struggling mentally, please reach out to someone. I wish I would have taken my own advice to reach out for help way sooner in my life. Today, I do my best to be the person to help you, or someone else...