Let me repeat...Hard work is not enough. As an athlete, I grew up for 20+ years going to the field at least once a day. Hard work was noticeable.Yet, in real life, it goes unnoticed for the most part. You don’t win awards for being a great mom or dad...
ALWAYS BE A STUDENT! Remember that ROME was not built in a day. A lot of trials, tribulations and CONSTANT LEARNING and iteration must be done to finally end with a masterpiece. Sadly though, so many of us stop our ambition of learning new...
Asking yourself the right questions is imperative if you wish to get the most out of your life. ...The past two weeks have been a whirlwind. Men's retreat followed by a bachelor party.Phew.Tons of fun!But glad to drop back into my everyday life and e...
A few months ago, during one of my men's group calls I had a friend tell me something that will remain with me for the rest of my life.My buddy Ty said to me..."CJ, you are amazing, you are great at taking the driver's seat in life. Always being will...
And start saying "I am."Your success is a direct reflection of how you choose to go about your life when no one else is watching you.You can either take the time to improve yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually...or you can let your most val...
Today is my wife's 31st birthday. :)Here are a few of the most important lessons she has taught and shown me over the years.Wake up and work hard everyday.Being alone doesn't mean you have to be lonely.Love can be shown and received in an infinite am...
August 7th 2021 was the last time I had alcohol. August 7th 2022 (yesterday) I hit one year since that last day. On my social media posts yesterday I didn't go too far into my journey with alcohol, I will do a bit more here because it might be helpfu...
I was going through some old notes of mine, and as per usual, I find something I wrote that just hits me at the right time.On June 27th of 2018 I wrote this to myself...The seed you plant today must be watered, given light, and nourished for weeks, m...
Don't have too much of your emotions wrapped up in the everyday ups and downs of life...when the long term graph will show GROWTH!!!Below is a 90 year historical graph of the S&P 500.Instead of letting your emotions be dictated by the highs and l...
For the majority of my life I was running FROM something.Running to escape the feelings, hide the pain, and forget my problems.These days, I run FOR something.I run to remember those who can’t anymore. I run to inspire myself, and others,...