Follow your passions!

Jun 14, 2022 1:22 pm

One of the things that I am most passionate about is EDUCATION.

So when I get asked to speak, coach, or teach something that I have learned, with an end goal of helping others live a better life, I typically say yes.

And a few weekends ago that is exactly what happened.

During one of the wellness events I was attending with Noah and I's mobile sauna, I was asked by a new friend (event attendee) Vendy if I would be interested in speaking at her FREE live event that is setup to help other people and businesses attract and retain new customers.

LIVE EVENT DATE: Tuesday June 21st


This is Vendy ^^^ and the event she is hosting is called: How To Create Content That Sells - Experts Reveal Secrets For Quickly Attracting Clients Online, Even If You Don't Have A Big Following And Your Content Is Not Yet Converting

Why am I telling you any of this?

Two reasons.

  1. I am challenging you to get out and meet new people, help others in your community, and grow your skills and passions in the areas that interest you.
  2. I would love for you to attend the session where I am speaking on the topic of building a Podcast that helps your brand/business scale your dream/mission.

But CJ what if I have nothing to "sell..."

To that I would say OF COURSE YOU DO!

Whether you know it or not, or like it or not, everyday you are subconsciously selling yourself to everyone you are around.

And the best way to improve is to learn new things, interact with new people, ask new questions, and challenge yourself to grow as a human being.

The best way to do all of the above is TOGETHER!!!




Event Details, here is the info she gave me to share.

During this LIVE event..

Vendy is going to be interviewing 15 experts (including me) on podcasting, email marketing and social media.


To show you how to create content that *actually* delivers clients 🚕

Here’s what’s going to be covered in these video interviews:

  • How to Generate Endless Email Content Ideas Your List Will Love 
  • Why YouTube Is The Best Place To Get Eager Customers Who Are Ready To Buy Today
  • How To Grow From 0 To 100K Followers On TikTok Without Dancing In Your Videos
  • What You Need To Know Before Starting A Podcast In 2022
  • How To Sign High Paying Clients On Instagram With Less Than 1,000 Followers

What would it be worth to you to be able to sit down with 15 experts and have them show you how to close your next client online, this month?


Again, if you don't have a business, or don't need "clients" or customers, that is okay. I still believe there are topics you could learn from which is why I am sharing this.

And if Podcasting interests you at all, I'd love to see you next Tuesday at 1PM CST during my live conversation with Vendy.

Grab your seat at the convo HERE.

I hope to see you there!

Have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday.



p.s. today I am grateful I get the opportunities to share the things I have learned, all with the hope that those lessons will help other people THRIVEONLIFE.
