Flying requires loving the dirt.

Jun 20, 2022 1:59 pm

You don't get to fly until you learn to love the dirt.

"WTF do you mean by this CJ?"

You know how many times the Wright Brothers ate absolute shit when trying to fly?

And no I don't mean literally eating shit.


I mean they failed over and over and over again.

Smashing their planes.

Smashing their bodies.

Definitely smashing their brains around in their own heads.

They ate a lot of shit when crashing into the dirt all the time.

But then everyday as they kept THRIVING in the dirt...

They flew a few more feet in the air.

And before you know it...

They were flying greater distances than ever before.

And now we can fly across the world as speeds once thought impossible.

All because they learned to love and endure their time in the dirt.

Sadly, the world doesn't make a lot of people like the Wright Brothers these days.

Everyone wants everything right now.

They want to fly without ever having to grow their own wings.

Where in your life have you been overly obsessed with getting results you don't yet deserve?

Reflect on this.

And teach yourself to like the dirt just as much as the clouds.

For if you do, you may just reach the moon one day.



p.s. today I am grateful for all the Father's out there who raised their kids to love the dirt. I was raised in a household that enforced the rule of working for everything you have. As I get older, I now realize why. The work (the process) is the true reward. It is what propels you to the moon.
