We are all so good at listening to the noise in our brains.So much so that it drives many of us crazy. I know what it is like to have a lot of noise going on in between my ears. And I have done some crazy shit when I look back on my life. If you know...
I woke up overwhelmed today.It doesn't happen much, but when it does, I feel the analysis paralysis that many people feel on a daily basis.What do I believe the difference between most people and myself is?I am a freakin nerd and have built systems i...
In 10 years' time, will you be proud of what you are doing now?^^^I wish I had been asked this every year of college LOL.I most likely would have adjusted my negative habits much sooner. ...What most people fail to realize, is the current moment in w...
I hope you enjoyed the holiday weekend with those you love. Question I woke up pondering today...is our societal system so poorly setup that we will not be able to get the masses back to what truly matters in life? Which then I can ask myself...did t...
Another holiday weekend is here... and you get a few days "off." Let me reframe the next couple days for you.Instead of turning the OFF button, I want you to flip the ON switch.What do I mean by this? If you feel like you need days OFF from your life...
From wishing and dreaming I could marry her, to dating her, to asking her hand in marriage... to now 4 years into marriage... it is days like today that remind me how special life really is.Today is one of my favorite days of the year, my wedding ann...
"The hardest thing is not doing what you want -- it's knowing what you want." -Naval RavikantNaval mentions that there are no "adults" in life.Truly we are all just big kids that aged in a society that makes us put on a front like we have it all figu...
The focus of life is on the flash.Wake up. Brush your teeth. (Or at least I hope this is what you do lol)Pick up your phone. Scroll.^^^ Is this your morning? Not judging if it is. Your phone is an immediate dopamine booster. Even the strongest of hum...
The price of admission to everything you have dreamed of....are the sum of small habits that you either need to stop, or start, in the current moment.TimeHealthRelationshipsIncomeVisionExperiences^^^ what is one thing you can do today that willBe a b...
I am 23 days into running a 5k every day.And it has been such a great experience for me both mentally and physically.So today's email message is dedicated to highlighting the person who put it together. ...My friend Abbey Hybl, Manager of Editorial a...