If you need an example of someone to admire...

Jun 16, 2022 1:34 pm


Self-pity, it is a hell of a drug that I feel too many people may be sipping on.

In a weird, deceptive way, it can feel good to feel bad.

Because if you have things to complain about, things that "hold you back," and people around you that do the same...

you never have to change.

And I will be the first to say, the best kind of change... it never feels GOOD.

So instead, many people will remain feeling good in their "bad" because they don't want to change.

How do I know this?


It was more comfortable to stay unhappy as the same person, than it was to change my habits and align them more with the person I admired to be.

What changed?

I started to think about life and death a lot.

And I came to the conclusion that if I am going to fully live life...

I would have to change my ways.

So who did I begin to admire?

My future self!

The hardworking husband.

The generous friend.

The good listener.

The fun-loving father.

The world-class athlete and entrepreneur.

The man that can be both aggressive and protective when needed, and light hearted, vulnerable, and loving all in the same day.

I set out to understand how to progress in all 360 degrees (full circle) of being a human being. Because that is a person I admire.

Not someone who is just a beast in the gym. Or a beast in the business world. But someone who can go from an intense day of work, to go crush a workout in the gym, and then head home to become the chef for his wife and kids. To then shift into the man who listens and comforts when they speak at the table. To be the encourager of taking risks, and the teaching of how to turn life's failures and hardships into successes.

Full spectrum.

I admired to be the best I could be in the entire spectrum of life.

And for so long I allowed myself NOT to strive to become this.

Because my excuse was that I did not have an example of it around me to look up to and guide me.

It felt good to feel bad... because it was comfortable.

It is not comfortable to say I want to be all of those great things... and write them down... and then fail at them over and over and over again.

Because that is what I do.

I fail at them every day.

And I will fail at it for the rest of my life.


and this is a huge but...

It is still way better than the alternative.

Because even though I will forever fail to be perfect at becoming the man I admire...

I will still be lightyears ahead of the guy who would have rather stayed the exact same, self-pitying man.. who was too stubborn to change his ways.




Write down the qualities of the person you admire to become.

Then start TODAY at working towards making those qualities your daily habits.

Your life will forever change for the better.



p.s. today I am grateful for my two good friends Dan and Katey. Erin and I had a wonderful time with them last night and it lights me up to be in a world where other people are striving to help the world become happier and healthier like they are.
