Jun 21, 2022 1:27 pm


If you don't know what FOMO stands for...

Fear Of Missing Out.

If you are human, which I am assuming you are, you have definitely felt this at some point during your lifetime.

And if you are like me, you have let that feeling control you too many times to even count.

Then you beat yourself up because you did something you didn't even truly want to do.

But you did it because you didn't have the strength to say "no" and lean into standing up for how you truly wanted to spend your time.

So why am I talking about FOMO today?

Because during my men's group last night, I realized a major high point in my life right now is the fact that I don't feel any FOMO whatsoever.

What is an example?

Friday and Saturday night I was in bed before 10PM.

Not because I am a "loser" like I would have called myself years ago.

But because I value the hours of 7AM-10AM on Saturday and Sunday morning, more than I value the hours of 10PM-1AM the nights before.

Old me tried to have it all.

Do the late night.

Do the early morning.

Half ass all of it.

So I finally began to ask myself...

If I had to choose how I spend my time, how would I spend it?

My answer, spend it on becoming the BEST me I can possibly be.

And that best version of me values the mornings more than the nights.

Let me very assertive here though...


In my early 20's... the nights mattered more. And I don't regret that.

But I also can no longer feel anxious in my heart about not "living" it up at night.

I let the feelings go.

I let the FOMO go.

I want to be right here, right now.

Nowhere else but where my two feet stand.

And fuckkkkkk is that a feeling of freedom I wish everyone could feel.

How many people over the course of their lifetimes remained controlled by the FOMO feeling?

Too many is the answer.

And hopefully today I might have made you consider not being one of them.



p.s. today I am grateful for the opportunity to virtually speak about something I am very passionate about... podcasting. So if you are free during the hour of 1PM CST TUNE IN HERE. But make sure the choice is yours, not FOMO's !!! :)
