larger rewards require BIGGER SACRIFICES.

Jun 23, 2022 12:53 pm

I get quite a few people that reach out to me about wanting more for their lives.

Yet, when I rebuttal that it will require more FROM them...

9/10 time they hit me with a "but, can't, wont.." type of statement.

At this point it makes me crack up.

Sorry not sorry.

You cannot have your cake and eat it too.

That is not how life works.

Anything worth having in life, it will take your commitment and dedication to being comfortable doing hard things, taking on more risk, and sacrificing things other people aren't willing to sacrifice.


So here is today's challenge...

List out what you want FOR YOUR LIFE.

Aka what do you wish your future to look like?

Then make a second list that clearly states what that "for" will need FROM YOU.

Maybe it is simple.

Maybe it is complex.

Whatever it is, you will never get the "for" without the "from."

Practical example:

Recently I competed in the HYROX World Championships and finished 110th out of 264 men who qualified for worlds with a final time of 1:19:53.

You might say that is amazing... I say it is not good enough for me. I want to be top 50.

Was I happy that day?


I hit my goal time. And better yet, I proved to myself and every other "smaller" man out there, that we can compete with the 6ft+ / 200lb+ beasts that we toe the line with....


and only if...

we are willing to understand what is needed FROM us.

To get to the World Championships in the first place, a lot was needed from me.

And to get to say I am top 50 in the world will take even more from me.

While HYROX from the outside may seem trivial...

What "competing" again has done for my life..

is tough for me to put into words.

I quite drinking alcohol.

I quit smoking weed.

I quit self-sabotaging.

I have become a better husband.

I have become a better podcaster.

I have become a better business partner.

I have become a better listener.

I have become a better friend.

I have become a better leader.

I have become a better man.


A piece of me was lost the day I stepped away from collegiate athletics and lost all my "competition."

And that piece has now been gained back because I realized what it would take FROM ME to get that piece back.

Now I will ask you again...

What do you want to happen for you and your future?!?!

And what must it require to TAKE FROM YOU to get there?



p.s. today I am grateful for all the men and women out there who are making great sacrifices to make their communities a better place to live.
