Pain: is inevitablePurpose: must be found.Perseverance: is the final ingredient that unlocks your "good" life. Sadly, over the past couple decades, this world has done a great job of working hard to shelter you from pain, take away your purpose as a...
6 months into 2022 already. ...WOW.Something I like to do at the end/beginning/middle of every year is to reflect on how I can make improvements. And after a lot of recent reflection, there is one major way I need to improve.I need to focus on being...
School teaches us to care way too much about "the answer." Then life beats us the fuck down and has us starting to ask ourselves hard questions. Why was I born? Why am I here? What is the purpose of life? What will death be like? Does this all have a...
But it starts with learning to be happy with nothing.Read that again. When I wrote "you can have it all" ... where did your mind wonder when you read the word "all?"Things?Achievements?Love?Happiness?Euphoria?What did you think about ?Here's the fun...
Random stat, this is the 403 email I have written on this list. If you have been here since the beginning, thank you. If you are new here, welcome! Your presence is appreciated more than I could ever explain in words....I am forewarning you that this...
Today I released a new podcast episode where I do a 20 minute reading of the "learning happiness" chapter of the book..."The Almanack of Naval Ravikant."I have mentioned this book before.And I will certainly mention it again.If I think back to all th...
My brother and his wife are in town. Here's a photo after I beat them in 36 holes of mini-golf. :).....Whether you notice it or not, tragedy is happening in our world each and every day. And believe it or not, it has happened since humans stepped foo...
Here is a photo I captured of the sunset from my last night in Santa Barbara. If you have never been there, I highly recommend checking it out if you are ever in need of relaxation. The entire town is chill vibes. ...Something I think you and I both...
A couple of photos from my first day in Santa Barbara. Ran 6+ miles to scope out the town, and spent time with Erin and I's nephew (and his parents who we somehow didn't get a picture with yesterday). One of the topics that came to my mind yesterday...
Me drinking my LMNT Chocolate Electrolytes this morning. Pro tip: heat up a cup of water or milk and mix these electrolytes in. Great way to start your day! The next 4 days I will be spending with family in California. Some much needed R&R is in...