#149 – How can you disengage from anxiety?If you've ever experienced a racing mind when trying to fall asleep, you know that it's only that: a racing mind. It doesn't mean you are racing.How can you stop it?Well, you can't stop the racing mind....
#148 – Who distracts you from you?Read onlineSay you sit down to write a book (or get ready to train for your first marathon, set up your email list, do the financial modeling for the business you want to start). It's something you desire with all yo...
#147 – What's wrong with life?Read onlineNothing. But we insist on clenching our fists and suffering when things don't match our likes, wishes, or expectations.The coffee isn't hot enough. The pie's too sweet. The mall's too crowded. That man sp...
#146 – Who knows what's good and what's bad?Read onlineI could be thankful for the things I have in my life that I deem to be "good." But how can I be sure what these apparently "good" things will devolve into?I could be miserable for the things in m...
#145 – Wanting or inspiration, which feels truer?Read onlineA few days before I turned the lights off in my coaching practice, I attended a group call with a business coach who helps female entrepreneurs create wealth – I'd paid her a hefty sum to do...
#144 – Is wanting worth it?Read onlineLast Sunday, during my coffee-machine demo shift, a young woman with two tween daughters approached my station. She darted to one particular machine, caressing it almost with lust. "I love this," she said. "I wan...
#143 – What would you be without judging?Read onlineSometimes we think that judging signals our advanced mental skills, powerful critical thinking, or deep logical reasoning.It's not. If we think that, it's because we're believing the Ego, whose...
#142 – Who makes you unhappy?Read onlineOf course, it's the world that makes you unhappy, when it's not how you expect it to be. You're unhappy because your boss didn't give you that raise, your cat has fleas, your son's room is a mess, plus you...
#141 – How to ruin your life in three simple stepsRead onlineStep one – ComplainComplain about things you can't control and whose behavior has nothing to do with you. Feel attacked by them and believe that life's not fair. For example:The weatherTraf...
#140 – How are you free?Read onlineBack in my voice coaching days, a 14-year-old client was frustrated to notice that her voice changed across settings – particularly at stores, where her pitch would rise and her timbre soften to a whisper.I explaine...