#139 – What are you grateful for?Read onlineIn the late 70's, picking up after one's dog was unheard of in Madrid, and the street my Abuela [Grandma] Carola lived in doubled as the neighborhood's dog park.Every time we would go visit her, we had...
#138 – How are your preferences holding you back?Read onlineDo you need to always "like" what you experience to be content?If so, you may be clinging. And if you are, you're surely missing out on what life has to offer.The Ghost of Clinging to Useles...
#137 – Who felt disrespected?Read onlineWorking with clients, especially in the corporate world, I often recommend Marshall Rosenberg's Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as an effective process to broach a difficult conversation. In its deepes...
#136 – How is procrastination a form of impatience?Read onlineYou're yearning to start a dream project. You know it'll change your life because completing it will change you.And yet, you don't start. What's stopping you?The Ghost of Time Indiffe...
#135 – Who else lives in your "comfort" zone?Read onlineThat zone where your mind constantly returns? Habitual, yet rarely comfortable.What Arny Mindell called Primary – what we do, feel, say, think, or become when we're not paying attention – shapes...
#134 – How can you make a challenging world work for you?Read onlineYesterday, at my coffee-maker sales job, I came across a heavily discounted machine and immediately thought of buying it for a friend who wants one.At the end of my shift, when...
#133 – How much do you care about being right?Read onlinePicture the scene: you're about to go into that important meeting – with the board, a potential new client, a hiring manager, your partner. What's going on in your body?Racing mind? Fluttery st...
#132 – The Ego may look like strength– but it's just fearRead onlineStand up for yourself, we're told. Reclaim what's yours. Stand for your rights. Don't let people take advantage of you. Don't let anyone disrespect you. Prevent them from taking...
#131 – What if it were all perfect?Read onlineWhen we don't interfere, everything is perfect.Sure, we sometimes don't want what we get, and don't get what we want. We may then kick and scream, refusing to accept reality.And does it change anything? N...
#130 – Are You Resisting or Assisting Life?Read onlineWe received some difficult news in our family tragedy, and I was crushed. After the initial shock, I sat there, arms crossed, looking at my legs under the glass tabletop. I noticed I might have ap...