Voice recognition mistake of the day: "But even in cases where we *might* have avoided something if we'd done something different, shame and gills don't help." 🐠 Sounds fishy, doesn’t it? Bear Bear the ferret thinks so. I was at a writing retre...
Southernism of the Week: Lick that calf again? (This can be used like “Say what?”) Visit the Amazon series page for Felony Melanie: Sweet Home Alabama romantic comedy novels or find the links to other ebook retailers. Doug went to WonderCon, a c...
Voice recognition mistake of the day: “…that will take time and meetings with the accountants and account bears.” Are account bears better than lawyers? Big news: Pride and Prejudice at The Cat Café is out! It is a truth universally acknow...
Southernism of the Week: He’s so crooked that if he swallowed a nail he’d spit up a corkscrew. Happy birthday to Reese Witherspoon! Doug says, “I couldn't imagine a more perfect person to play Felony Melanie when I wrote Sweet Home Alabama.”Visi...
It's been a while since I sent a newsletter, but I have a couple of classes coming up and wanted to share the info – plus I posted a new video on the Ten-Minute Writer YouTube channel.Cliffhangers: Keep the Pages Turning! An online forum workshop Apr...
It's been a while since I sent a newsletter, but I have a couple of classes coming up and wanted to share the info – plus I posted a new video on the Ten-Minute Writer YouTube channel.Cliffhangers: Keep the Pages Turning! An online forum workshop Apr...
Voice recognition mistake of the day: “Chicken throat and ignored the bizarre urge to fluff her hair.” (She cleared her throat ...) That was from drafting Pride and Prejudice at the Cat Café. The book (number 7 in the series) is finished, but I'...
Southernism of the Week: "A hole in your britches lets in a heap of uneasiness." 💨Why is St. Patrick's day so big in Georgia? In 1813, a small group of Hibernians (members of an Irish Catholic fraternal organization) marched in Savannah to celebrate...
Voice recognition mistake of the day: “Then the biggest, orneriest llama had an abscess that needed training.” Gotta train those infection pockets! (I said draining.) If you’ve read the Accidental Billionaire Cowboys sweet romance series, you probabl...
Southernism of the Week: “If I say a hen dips snuff, you can look under her wing for the can.” Did that convince you to trust us???Visit the Amazon series page for Felony Melanie: Sweet Home Alabama romantic comedy novels or find the links to other e...