Transform Your Rides and Your Waistline

Hey Ready to revolutionize your cycling and nutrition? Here's what's new with Cycle Lean!Well, let me tell you about it. We've created a brand-new nutrition app called Hexis that's going to transform the way you fuel your rides.Now, I know what you'r...

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Aug 05, 2024
Break Through Your Cycling Plateau

Hey Happy Friday.I hope your week has gone well and you are looking forward to the weekend.This week I started a 16-week training programme to hit 4 watts per kg. After reaching 3.7 watts per kg in my latest FTP test, I have a little work to do. But,...

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Aug 02, 2024
Cycle Lean Waiting List

Hey Remember last year when I launched the Cycle Lean Project? Well, it's back and better than ever!But before I dive into the exciting updates, let me take you on a quick ride down memory lane.Picture this: it's last autumn, the days are getting sho...

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Jul 30, 2024
The Matthew McConaughey secret to crushing hills

Hey As I write this, I'm enjoying a coffee in a charming local cafe. It's a refreshing change of pace, don't you think? But let me tell you about the real eye-opener from our journey.My partner and I were up before the sun, gearing up for a weekend t...

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Jul 26, 2024
Are You Ready to Put in the Work?

Hey So here's what happened: This person signed up for my 28-day free trial coaching program. Great start, right? ...But then they told me something that gave me pause. They said they couldn't devote much time or mental energy to the program.Now, I a...

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Jul 19, 2024