From London to Canterbury: A Cycling Story for the Ages

Hey ,This past weekend, my cycling pals and I decided to seize the sunny UK weather, hopping on our bikes and hitting the road. Our destination? The renowned city of Canterbury, a journey originating from Blackheath in southeast London.This wasn't ou...

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May 14, 2024
A Walk in Devon and a Chance to Change Your Life

Hey As I write this email, I'm bundled up in a cosy Devonshire cottage, feet throbbing from the day's long walk. My partner and I have been spending our holiday navigating the county's rugged coastline and rolling hills. We're miles away from our dai...

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May 09, 2024
Conquer Your Heartburn

Hey I had a fascinating chat with a friend yesterday, who, despite his best efforts, was struggling to kick his persistent heartburn to the curb. It was like a guest who overstays their welcome, an uninvited nuisance that had made itself at home.Now...

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May 02, 2024
A Tale of Two Cyclists

Hey Yesterday morning, Jamie and I were set to take a few laps around Regents Park, a treat to start the week with.The sun was finally out, casting a warm 11-degree glow at 7:30 am. A welcome reprieve from the usual leggings and overshoes attire we w...

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May 01, 2024
The Simplest Path to Optimal Health and Happiness

Hello I'm sure you've heard it before in my previous emails. My partner and I have been utterly captivated by Ben Fogle's 'New Lives in the Wild'. An escape from the relentless bustle of city life, the humdrum of daily routine, and the incessant ping...

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Apr 30, 2024
The science of weight loss for cyclists over 40

Hey Happy Friday,It’s a common belief that as we age, our metabolism slows down, making weight management more challenging. However, is that the truth? In this week's newsletter, we break down some myths and back them up with science, providing effec...

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Apr 26, 2024
Embrace the Challenge, Not the Comfort

Hey ,It was a Sunday morning, the air was crisp, and the city was still asleep. I found myself on a tranquil walk to Central London. The destination? Tower Bridge — the halfway point of the London Marathon.I was on a mission to support a few friends...

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Apr 24, 2024
3 cycling habits you need to stop to cycle stronger

Hey Happy Friday,An interesting observation about strong cyclists I know:Becoming so awesome on the bike started with being solely focused on their own goalsThey didn't get caught up in competing with anyone else but themselves. So here are 3 cycling...

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Apr 19, 2024
Embrace the Journey

Hey ,My partner and I have this ritual. Every weekend, we like to put our feet up, forget about the world for a while, and unwind in front of the TV. Sounds like your typical weekend, right? Except for one thing. We're very picky about what we watch....

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Apr 17, 2024