How Strength Training Transformed Mark's Cycling

Hey Ever caught yourself thinking that cycling is all about putting in more miles on the saddle? Well, I've got a story that might just change your mind.Meet Mark, a dedicated cyclist who, like many of us, believed that the key to improving his perfo...

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Jul 04, 2024
Guess What Happened on Our 70-Mile Cycling Adventure?

Hey You're not going to believe the day I just had. I've got to tell you all about it - grab a coffee and get ready for an adventure!Picture this: the sun's shining, the birds are chirping, and I'm itching to hit the road. What's a cyclist to do? Gra...

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Jul 01, 2024
GCN Live Training Reply

Hey If you missed our live training last night andIf you want to leverage the newest GCN Training Strategies...To gain more Watts, Speed and Endurance from your cycling performance...Access the FREE live training INSIDE...

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Jun 28, 2024
7 pm Sharp

Hey FYI -A lot of cycling enthusiasts have asked for details about how to use GCN's latest training research to get...- Increase your average cycling power- Not miss out on a extra 20 watts- And of course, become a stronger cyclistI just finishe...

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Jun 26, 2024
New Training Insights

Hey Maybe you've caught some of the results I've shared from testing GCN's new training strategy. This new approach is a total game-changer...It’s now so much easier to achieve:More power on the bike.Faster watts.Better performance.And now that...

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Jun 25, 2024

This week I've been continuing tests on the new GCN training update...Here's the most recent finding (this will impact you):If you've noticed that your power has been seen LESS recently, don't worry - it's not your faultGCN has been looking at specif...

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Jun 21, 2024
How Duncan Lost 15 kg in 16 Weeks

Hey Today, I'm excited to share the story of Duncan, who went from rock bottom to a cycling superstar in just 16 weeks...No joke, this dude lost a whopping 15 kilos and gained 20 Watts of power!So here's the deal: Duncan was stuck in a rut, feeling s...

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Jun 20, 2024
20 Watts to My FTP

Hey Not sure if you saw what's happening on GCN right now?The Cycling Research was just updated...So that you can cycle faster and get break some Strava PBs(With seeing results faster in less time)If you have already adjusted your training...

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Jun 18, 2024