The trouble with most training plans

Hey The trouble with most cycling training plans is pretty common. How many times have you bought a TrainingPeaks plan, only to give up after a few weeks because you couldn’t keep up with the hours it demanded? Feeling like a failure, you resign your...

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Jun 18, 2024
Top 3 Mistakes 40+ Cyclists Make With Diet

Hey Happy Friday.I hope your week has gone well and you are looking forward to the weekend.This week I have still been fighting the end of my cold so I have been taking my training light this week.However today, I felt closer to myself so fingers cro...

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Jun 14, 2024
Subsceiber feedback

Hey Last year I ran The Cycle Lean Project - a 10-week live course. Helping cyclists over 40 to kick start their training after the summer and keep them motivated during the winter months. After the success of this course, I am busy plannin...

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Jun 11, 2024
Common Coaching Questions

Hey Recently I have had a few questions from people interested in my coaching. I like to be as upfront and transparent so while answering them, I thought it would be nice to share them with you too. As I am sure they might be common questions everyo...

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Jun 07, 2024
Training for your lifestyle

Hey My client, Andrew, was really struggling.He was burned out from going too hard in the past and working crazy night shifts, leaving him feeling like a total zombie all the time. He hit me up, asking,"How the heck am I supposed to train when I'm th...

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Jun 05, 2024
Balance, Rest, and Avoiding Burnout

Hey Last week, I was riding high (literally and figuratively 😂) after crushing the Ride London 100. But little did I know, that euphoric feeling was about to come crashing down harder than a rookie cyclist on their first descent!You see, I'd been ba...

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Jun 04, 2024
Improve your VO2 Max

Hey Happy Friday. The hangover after Ride London hit me this week with me picking up a little cold. It has been something I have been expecting with a few signs leading up to Ride London, so it wasn't a surprise. So this week I have been prioritising...

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May 31, 2024
Getting Older As A Cyclist

Hey As I've gotten older, I've had to deal with some challenges that come with age, especially when it comes to cycling. ....On those crisp mornings, I'd hop on my bike, eager to tackle the open road. But as time passed, I noticed a subtle shift – th...

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May 30, 2024
Making cycling effortless

Hey So, you know I've been on this meditation kick lately, right? I'm taking daily meditation sessions. And let me tell you, it's been a wild ride. But the other day, the theme was all about making meditation effortless. Can you believe that? Effortl...

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May 29, 2024
Ride London 100 done, what a day...

Hey I just had an incredible ride that I can't wait to tell you about. Waking up at the crack of dawn to the sound of pouring rain, I was seriously questioning my life choices. ....Like, who in their right mind willingly signs up for this kind of to...

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May 28, 2024