Sunday Scaries

Oct 25, 2020 7:56 pm

Have you ever heard of the Sunday Scaries?

If you don't know what that is, here is the urban dictionary definition...

Sunday Scaries

The feeling you have after a long week of work followed by a Saturday full of binge drinking, when Sunday hits you question your entire existence. Typically characterized by laying in bed all day and both regretting past decisions and questioning your seemingly non-existent future. Thoughts like "I"m going to die alone" and "Will I ever get a job that I actually enjoy?" consume you for the entire day while you're battling a hangover.

FYI you don't need to binge drink all day Saturday for this feeling to happen LOL.

Although, I have experienced the feeling both with/without the drinking in my own life. So don't feel alone if you have experienced it, or you are feeling it right now.

Here are my suggestions to completely get rid of them...

  1. Reflect on what it is about the week you do not like. Is it a job? The people you are around? Your commute? Write those exact things down in your journal/laptop/whiteboard.
  2. Think about what your "perfect" Monday would be. Be realistic here! We all would love to be on a beach somewhere, but that comes with work. List out what you want out of your weeks. Examples for me are: outdoors, days must be different, flexibility + freedom, ability to be creative, be surrounded by positive people who are on the pursuit of self improvement.
  3. Go hang around people who already live the lifestyle you have literally listed out on the paper just now. They will now be your guide to going from the Sunday Scaries, to owning your life and loving what you do.

I am proof that this works.

I absolutely despised going into a corporate job. I hated wearing a suit and tie, I was appalled by how inauthentic and disingenuous most people were, and I thought it was insane that people were rewarded for tenure and playing by the rules...rather than innovation, hard work, and the value they brought to the company, regardless of their age, gender, demographic.

So I quit that world, and started in a new one. Below is what my new world looks like on most days.


Working with business partners such as David Callejas who is the founder and CEO of FloatOn Boat Rentals. We spend time coming up with strategies and plans to make more money -> to then use it to make more positive impact -> to then educate and help others do the exact same thing. REPEAT THE CYCLE.

If YOU have experienced the Sunday Scaries, or are experiencing them in this very moment, please respond back to this email!!! I'd love to hear your story / help you defeat the monster that unfortunately consumes so many people out there. :/

Lets slay this monster TOGETHER!


