Lets help 1-MILLION people!
Oct 22, 2020 6:58 pm
Today's email is late. I rarely do this, but I slept in past the time I had set. (I am not saying sleeping in is bad, I love sleep, but I love seeing the sun come up in my front yard every morning even more.)
Yesterday was a solid 14 hour day that helped me move the needle forward in several parts of my business....but this meant I did not get to write my daily email, which means I let myself down.
SHIT HAPPENS in life though. You need to learn to just go with the flow and get right back on the horse. This is me getting right back on, rather than beating myself up for not getting this out during the "normal" time I set. If you can relate this kind of pressure that you put on yourself, I empathize with you. Lets conquer it together!
Enough of that.
It is #ThriveThursday fam!!!
And I need your help for a good cause.
I have been on a journey in life to help over 1 million mission based people, brands, and businesses...THRIVE!
But I knew/know I cannot accomplish this alone.
So the THRIVE ON LIFE PODCAST was born, all with hopes to share amazing stories of other people who are making an incredible impact in their own communities.
And so far, after 70 episodes, I am proud of the small positive impact it has made for others.
And this is where I NEED YOUR HELP.
To be honest, I am busting my ass to make my show better every single week. I love talking with other people, learning from them, and sharing the experience with others. So much so, I hope to make it a larger part of my career as I continue on my current path.
If I can make it a larger part of my day to day, I can then help more people across the globe, and that opportunity literally keeps me up at night.
So here is my ask, if you have gained even the slightest bit of value from these emails so far, can you do me a favor and please rate and review my show. Currently, I am at 37 ratings, but would love to get to 50.
With every new rating, Apple will rank the show higher and more ears will hear it. If more ears hear the awesome stories that our guests share, the more people WE can positively impact.
All it will take is less than 1 minute of your time. :)
If you would like to help me spread this impact, please GO HERE then click the button to open the show in your Apple Podcasts and do a quick rate & review. It literally helps more than you know!!!
If there is ever something YOU need like this, just ask. I'd love to support!
I hope you have an amazing Thursday! Lets keep helping others make every heartbeat count and THRIVEONLIFE.