True perfection is...IMPERFECT.
Oct 20, 2020 5:01 pm
You are busy.
You are anxious.
You are swamped with work.
You are overwhelmed with responsibilities.
You are empty because none of the above feels like you.
You are me, and I am you.
Look up from your iPhone, iPad, iMac (if you are not an apple person, you are cool too!*) and what do you see?!?
I see a lot of people struggling with what I mentioned above.
And I have wrestled with the question of "why" this is for some time now.
My conclusion?
We are all f*cked up humans, that within a decade, got technology forced into our hands...and these toys do a great job to remind us how f*cked up we actually are because we are not "perfect."
Instead of actually acknowledging that we are not perfect now, nor will we ever be, we go on social media and pretend to be a male peacock. Aka we flaunt our lives as if they are something to be desired for. Constantly living in some alternative reality. When the reality is, all of us
I use the tense "we" in this example because I am speaking about the general majority.
You may not struggle with this, but I can almost guarantee someone you love does struggle with it. So therefore, it does have an effect on you in some shape or form.
And this is why I am approaching this topic, because it has impacted my life by seeing, hearing, and dealing with the problems it has caused others.
So maybe if I talked about it, it will help you or someone you love.
Okay back to the topic.
If we think about the "perfect" life, what would it consist of? Would it be having everything go your way? Riches and luxuries everywhere? Constant adventure with people, places, experiences that constantly stimulate your insatiable appetite?
Tbh...all of the above used to sound like "the life." Yet, I have come to realize how miserably boring all that would actually be.
The perfections of life would mean nothing with out the imperfections that humans and other organisms bring to this world.
Idk about you, but I want an exciting life with ups, downs, lefts, rights, and all the things in between. I want to hit rock bottom in areas of my life, only to crawl, climb, and conquer my way to the top. I also want to experience what it is like to be AT THE TOP of areas of my life...only to say, now I have to find a new peak.
I want things to be perfectly imperfect, because a truly perfect life, it is not one without problems, but a life that is lived with acceptance of all that is to come. A life where you step into WHO you truly are and who you are meant to become without the attachment to some fictitious being that your ego holds on tightly to.
Think about how perfectionism has played a negative role in your life. Where has it taken precious time from you? Your friends? Your family? And society as a whole?
At the end of the day, PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS (not perfection) and we must practice as individuals to not hold ourselves to perfection. Only then can we reflect this outwardly by not holding others to insurmountable expectations as well.
Here is me practicing what I preach, and taking the pressure away from myself to make the "perfect pancake." Okay that was the worst joke ever. I show this because cooking is one area many people never venture too out of fear that they won't be good enough.
Follow my lead and just mix a bunch of ingredients and see what happens. THEN GO DO THE SAME THING IN YOUR EVERY DAY LIFE!!! I promise you will have more fun if you do. :)
#thriveon fam!