I need to ask a favor of you...

Oct 16, 2020 5:01 pm

It's FRIDAY, and I am headed out on a flight to Vegas later for a friend's 31st birthday...so should I bet on black or red?!? I need some help choosing!

Anyway, the real favor I have to ask is...


It is a lie.

And nobody likes a liar.

My friend's birthday this weekend reminds me that I am less than 3-months away from turning the big three-O.

And for the longest time I was telling myself I "cant" possibly match the 20-year old collegiate athlete I used to be.

Prior to July, I had not run consistently in years. Or any type of cardio for that matter. No sports either.

In conversations, I would literally make up reasons why I stopped playing, or didn't run...yet, the real reason was because I never wanted to step on the "field" and face myself with the realization that I no longer can compete at the level I once had.

(For those that don't know me personally, I am extremely competitive. Not the bad kind though, I am not an asshole when it comes to competition. Quite the opposite really, I thoroughly enjoy sport and "competition" as a whole. I am the guy who is very competitive with himself.)

But then COVID-19 happened, and I, like many others, had time to have a long stare at myself in the mirror.

And I realized I was bullshitting myself. I was literally telling myself a lie over and over and over again.

I am sure you are doing the same in one way or another in your life.

So this is me calling YOU on your bullshit.

Now I don't know what it is your lying about, only you do.

But I expect you to make the necessary changes to turn that lie around.

Because the past few months, I have changed the bullshit lie, into a personal mantra that I will be physically, mentally, and spiritually capable of becoming someone that is better than I ever could have imagined.

And it starts with one day, one step, one breath, ONE HEART BEAT at a time.

I am proof.

Earlier this week I ran a 5:12 mile, faster than I have ever run. And just last night I ran a 5:47 mile with a 12lb Hyperwear vest on...after I had already completed my lifting workout...after a long ass day of "work."

20 year old me wouldn't have kept up.


To end, I want to be very clear, I do not care whether you can run fast, jump high, lift heavy, are the captain of the sports teams, make a lot of money, earn work recognition...etc.

I CARE THAT that in that amazing brain of yours, you are telling yourself that YOU CAN

do anything that you set your mind to.

And in that beautiful heart of yours, you fill it with


of the entire journey of ups and downs.

And lastly, in that extremely capable body of yours, you fill it with


that no matter what age you are, you can achieve miraculous things.


Go out and continue to impress your damn self! I am sending you all the love going into this weekend!


